Brit babe suns her twat

Brit babe suns her twat

"The bloke I'm shagging is in his mid-30s," Georgie said. "He lives next door and works from home like I do. One day, I was sunbathing in my bra and panties. I never thought about him going upstairs, looking out a window and seeing me. The sun felt so good on my bod that I slipped my fingers down my knickers and diddled myself to orgasm. As I was lying there afterwards, I looked up at his place through half-closed eyes and saw him at a window with his camera. It excited me so much that I took my bra and knickers off and diddled myself again. I had a huge orgasm that time. I gave him sex shows the next two days, then phoned him," said Georgie. "When he answered, I told him to come over right away and shag me. He hung up without saying a word and was at my door about five minutes later. I pulled him inside and took him to bed. During our third fuck, we were doing it doggie-style when he lubed up my bumhole and carefully slipped his dick in. It was my first time, but not my last: I love bum sex now. He has a girlfriend, so we only shag during the day, but I'm fine with that."
Featuring: Georgie
Date: October 12th, 2010
Photos: 65

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13 years ago 

Georgie is about the cutest thing since sliced bread....

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